The 'Stone of Remorse', helping the being to have and show remorse where it is necessary, bringing with it an understanding and acceptance of the situation at hand.
Anthracite is a journey stone because it brings a sense to the being of wanting to look at where and why remorse needs to be opened to and shown. It is not for lowering or threat, but for helping the being on life’s journeys.
This a stone that brings with it a sense of peace and freshness from the old to the new. Anthracite is a stone to move the being out of unsteady and unsuitable stages of life, into that of benefit and true warranty.
Also a stone to help the being out of period's of depression and anxiety, as well as helping to calm nerves, protect from panic attacks and ward from sudden drops in the mood state.
Anthracite lift's veil's of un-acceptance and denial for the safety of the keeper and surrounding beings. If it is to be that under this veil is a doing that need's remorse, Anthracite will help this come about attracting support or guidance that may be needed along the way.
A stone to help the being to break through bad habits and damaging patterns of life. Very good for the being who feel's trapped, lonely or weak at getting out of such way's.
"I shall support you, I shall carry you, I shall comfort you.. Loneliness is but a feeling not a happening, when One find's that truth within, One has found that of Divinity, One then find's oneself, it is that Oneself that is part of the all, part of everything that was, that is, and that which is to come"
Anthracite sweeps the body’s energy field of negative and heavy stagnant energies instantly. A stone to remove built up inner smog and also freshen and lift tense atmospheres.
When the being continues to keep Anthracite close, an energy barrier is created that only stores and attracts that of positive nature and repels that of negative nature.
A very positive and determined stone that never fails to guide and support in all that is needed.
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