KSC Crystals

KSC Crystals
When only the best crystals will do.

Saturday, 27 February 2010

Spiderweb Obsidian

Spider-web Obsidian

The ‘Stone of Self-Freedom’, allows the freedom for belief systems and faiths to be searched and followed, with the offers of guidance, security and an all round understanding.

Spider-web Obsidian supports an open mind to the many belief systems, faiths and followings that follow a universal role of having a positive Divine intervention. This Divine intervention can be in many forms, but always comes in that of Love and in that of Light.

Spiderweb Obsidian

Wednesday, 17 February 2010



The ‘Stone of Transition’, hold’s a pure and supporting energy that help’s the being in time’s of transition.

Gyrosol give’s encouragement when a time of transition has come, helping positively and strongly for one to face what is needed to change, and to accept what lay’s ahead is not always able to be known.

Time’s of transition can cause anxiety and worries, yet Gyrosol support’s and give’s courage to all.

The Transition may be on an Earth level or Spiritual level, this does not affect the abilities of Gyrosol.

Gyrosol also support’s after the transition has taken place, giving guidance to thought and calm to feeling’s.

Gyrosol is an emotional support, this stone is beneficial to be kept close at time’s of stress, anxiety and worry.

Place Gyrosol by area’s of sleeping to protect against nightmare’s and to encourage “light dreams”.

Gyrosol work’s very well with the Heart and Crown Chakra’s, these actual energy centre’s have a lot of play and focus during time’s of transition.

Gyrosol help’s soften and calm the atmosphere, a beneficial stone to place around bedroom’s of children especially (out of reach), to help sooth and protect.

A stone to sooth away tear’s, just call upon Gyrosol and she will work with you the whole journey.

Gyrosol is a female energy stone, she work’s with all ages and both male and female being. Very gentle natured, yet Gyrosol hold’s such a purity and clarity of power.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Stonehenge Bluestone (Preseli Dolerite)

Ancient legends tell of the magical and healing properties of the Preseli Bluestone. This exquisite tumblestone is polished from Bluestone from the same location as the stones used in the original Stonehenge structure.

Click here to find out more

Stonehenge Bluestone (Preseli Dolerite)

Friday, 12 February 2010

Ametrine Citrine

Ametrine / Citrine

This crystal is almost pure citrine it just has a faint violet hue
As in life’s and Mother Earth’s ever changing stages, these same change’s take place within the Crystal & Mineral Kingdom. Although many stone’s that are conjoined as one still have the same offering’s as when they are not conjoined, there are those that actually change. Seeing it like wavelength’s of sound that sometime’s resonate yet sometime’s clash, this also describes how sometime’s the energy of conjoined stone’s must change in order to resonate.
Here, Ametrine is the focus stone. It has a higher tuned energy that is working on a bit more of a faster rate than Citrine. Ametrine has nearly all the same offering’s as it does alone with very minimal changes. Citrine however, does have a bit more of a change in this form, to what it does alone.
The ‘Stone of Spiritual Focus’, help’s in bringing the being to a more spiritually focused state. Helping in the use of intuition to be brought through and used in the bettering of focus in everyday life.
This is a stone that stimulates the third eye and crown chakra, help’s to awaken one to spiritual learning in order to be used at time’s where focus in different area’s of everyday life need’s higher guidance. A stone to also increase the bodies natural vibration rate
This stone can be used to gently stir the kundalini, and also bring about necessary energy shift’s within the core of chakra’s. Ametrine & Citrine encourages one to find wisdom in all life, and to focus on this to bring forth positive blessing’s to oneself and to other’s.
Ametrine & Citrine also help’s ease headaches, deepen sleep states, induce intuitive dreaming and calm nerves. This stone is perfect for meditation, it brings a very soothed, peaceful and deep visualisation state. Use Ametrine & Citrine at time’s when one just need’s to escape and relax, take time out.
Also at time’s when one need’s this to bring thing’s into perspective and find what need’s necessary focus and what is causing blockage.
Ametrine & Citrine brings calm and is a very good stone for the un-certain or un-focused being. A stone that brings a sense of belonging and sense of spiritual peace.
This stone help’s in settling of the past into the present, a stone to help one learn from the past to use the gained wisdom in the here and now.

It is not wise to use Ametrine & Citrine if there is a mental disorder present such as schizophrenia or paranoia.
The fact that Citrine is present, brings this stone up a level on grounding, although it is still beneficial to match a grounding stone alongside.
A very calming and spiritual focused stone.
Ametrine Citrine

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

The Keys of Transformation David Asworth

The Keys of Transformation records an extraordinary personal journey of transformation and at the same time provides a template for all our transformations.

The basic message which David brings is deceptively simple: the time to change is NOW
The Keys of Transformation David Asworth

Monday, 8 February 2010

Honey Calcite

Honey Calcite

Honey Calcite helps strengthen our connection with the intellectual plane and deepens wisdom, connecting us with our higher consciousness. It is suggested that it can also assist in the challenges associated with change by expanding our psychic abilities.

Astral projection and channelling are also improved this can bring comfort and helps in lift depression. It can help you deal with the challenges associated with change. It is associated with the sacral and solar plexus chakras and can help bring balance between these two chakras.Honey Calcite



The 'Stone of Remorse', helping the being to have and show remorse where it is necessary, bringing with it an understanding and acceptance of the situation at hand.

Anthracite is a journey stone because it brings a sense to the being of wanting to look at where and why remorse needs to be opened to and shown. It is not for lowering or threat, but for helping the being on life’s journeys.

This a stone that brings with it a sense of peace and freshness from the old to the new. Anthracite is a stone to move the being out of unsteady and unsuitable stages of life, into that of benefit and true warranty.

Also a stone to help the being out of period's of depression and anxiety, as well as helping to calm nerves, protect from panic attacks and ward from sudden drops in the mood state.

Anthracite lift's veil's of un-acceptance and denial for the safety of the keeper and surrounding beings. If it is to be that under this veil is a doing that need's remorse, Anthracite will help this come about attracting support or guidance that may be needed along the way.

A stone to help the being to break through bad habits and damaging patterns of life. Very good for the being who feel's trapped, lonely or weak at getting out of such way's.

"I shall support you, I shall carry you, I shall comfort you.. Loneliness is but a feeling not a happening, when One find's that truth within, One has found that of Divinity, One then find's oneself, it is that Oneself that is part of the all, part of everything that was, that is, and that which is to come"

Anthracite sweeps the body’s energy field of negative and heavy stagnant energies instantly. A stone to remove built up inner smog and also freshen and lift tense atmospheres.

When the being continues to keep Anthracite close, an energy barrier is created that only stores and attracts that of positive nature and repels that of negative nature.

A very positive and determined stone that never fails to guide and support in all that is needed.


Agate Pink Moss

Pink Moss Agate
Pink Moss Agate is great for recovery after a prolonged illness or debilitating sickness. It works on the emotions and heals them and greatly helps with self expression
Pink Moss Agate is very loving and resonates with the heart chakra - repairing any emotional unbalances or problems with the relationship between parent and child. Agate Pink Moss is grounding as all the Agate family are.

Agate Pink Moss

Wednesday, 3 February 2010



This Red and Yellow example has been formed in a cluster with several small crystals growing on the main body.
Weight 68 grams

Measures 40mm x 25mm

The ‘Hierarchy Stone’, working beneficially using different levels of energy and area within the Mind, Body and Spirit.
Zincite depending on its colour formation, works within an area of the body’s Energy Centres, as well as where there may be upset or dis-ease needing healing and easing.
This is a stone that attracts and pin points to its needed area, whether within the mind, body or spirit, and works with great efficiency and gives the precise measurement of energy that is needed.
In the physical existence, this is a stone that would follow a Hierarchy like that of professionals trained into different levels and areas of Medical world. Another way of understanding is within the Spirit
Existence, this to be seen as the role carried by the Angelic being depending on the position of Divine Hierarchy.
Where there is either a group of Energy Centres, or a single Energy Centre within the body, Zincite depending on its colour formation can be used to strengthen and harmonise the Centre, as well as helping to heal and ease problematic issues associated with each of these Centres within different areas of the body. An example of this would be using Red to Brown/Yellow to Orange colour formations to match the Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus Energy Centres.
Zincite holds a gentle yet deep energy, overall in each colour formation, this stone can help with mental clarity, keeping emotion and moods stable, while encouraging the being to have a more positive and brighter outlook on life.
“I shall heal and I shall harmonise where there is call. I am that which resonates overall”
Zincite holds a “Purposely designed” feel to its energy offerings rather than a “Naturaly Created” feel. This will be felt clearly by the energy sensitive being, only to then at times, be turned away. However, Zincite has this clear energy for an exact purpose. This purpose is to give efficiency and precision where and when it is needed. This is not a stone to be over looked.