KSC Crystals

KSC Crystals
When only the best crystals will do.

Tuesday 28 December 2010

Rhodazez Pink Azeztulite

Rhodazez Pink Azeztulite

The ‘ Stone of Love & Light’, bringing forth a joining of energy within and all around, that of Love and that of Light.

Rhodazez is a beautiful creation from Mother Earth to her children. This stone flushes pure energy throughout each minor and major energy centres, as well throughout the physical body, to clear and open them to accept what is within and available all around to all beings - That of Love & Light. The Divine connection.

A stone that resonates well with the Heart energy centre and the Crown energy centre. Using both of these to gain and form connection to higher realms. Rhodazez is beneficial in forming communication’s to Angelic beings for assistance in deep healing, especially where there has been unfortunate events of emotional hurt and abuse, as well as abandonment and sudden loss.

Rhodazez makes a very good stone to be given to spiritually aware children who need to feel secure and safe, bringing a knowing and sense of being watched over from Angelic Beings.

A stone to diminish feelings of abandonment, of being lost and of being lonely. Rhodazez brings the “Mothers Touch” and the “Fathers Safety” within a single touch.

Use this stone to soften and bring peaceful energies to tense and heavy atmospheric areas. As well as to attract protective light beings around the home where babies and children play and sleep.

Rhodazez makes a very good companion to the being who has a connection to the gentler Nature Spirits, as well as making a very special gift to such beings.

A very mystical offering of this stone, is that it can truly “open the eyes” to kingdom’s of Nature Spirits and to Angelic World’s, especially within children who already hold an innocence and purity of spirit enough to communicate with ease.

Rhodazez help’s to soften and lighten the beings energy within and outer. Bringing peace that will shine through the whole aura. This in turn attracts that of matching energies.

“Love is more than a feeling, it is a knowing, Light is more knowing, it is a feeling”

Sanda Rosa Azeztulite

Sanda Rosa Azeztulite

The ‘Stone of the Light Healing’, brings clearance, cleansing and healing to all minor and major energy centres, resonating very well with the Third eye and Crown centres.

Sanda Rosa Azeztulite contains pure light energy that works its way through each energy centre, flushing away stagnancy, toxin and blockage without fail.

This is the perfect stone for energy centre healing and clearing, as well as in the preparing of energy centres for opening to energy work.

This type of Azeztulite attracts light beings, it is a connector for Angelic and Divine communication’s up to a very heightened level of channelling.

Also, this is a stone to bring one closer to new and hidden worlds of light, within and all around. Very good for those who have connected well with higher vibrational nature spirits.

“I am your key to Kingdoms of Light, to Worlds of peace, to Energies of Love”

Sanda Rosa Azeztulite open’s the Crown chakra to accept higher guidance and to learn and gain higher wisdom, that which the physical and grounded senses do not decipher well.

A stone that raises ones own vibrational field as well as stimulating the purity of white light to grow and form within the body to the outer the auric field. This in turn attracts those of light energy closer, as well as when there is call for guidance and Divine assistance.

Give this stone to spiritually aware children to bring peace within, and to gain a clear communication from protective Angelic Beings, who will bring support and guidance along the child’s delicate journey.

Sanda Rosa Azeztulite makes a good stone to bring clearance, purity and higher vibrational energy to stagnant and heavy atmospheric areas.

A beautiful stone that can be used to call upon the deep healing touch of the Angelic Being, especially at times where it may be said that only a miracle can help.

“Just as an Angels hand can guide the being from Earthly life, this same Angels hand can guide the being back”

Sanda Rosa Azeztulite is pure endless love and light within a single stone that shall fail none.

“Hold me whole and I am that of endless love and light, hold me open and I am still that of endless love and light .. I am within and all around, I am eternal, I am endless, I am You”

Gold Azeztulite

Gold Azeztulite

The 'Peace within', this stone takes the being on a journey to find peace within, to find a place of solitude, serenity and tranquillity.

Gold Azeztulite awakens the being by raising the energy flow through out the mind, body and spirit, as well as increasing the and allowing the growth of the Golden Light within and all around, that of Divine connection.

This is a stone for the being seeking to further the Souls spiritual journey, for gaining wisdom and truth that ultimately comes from within.

"I am in all that one sees, in all that one touches, and in all that one feels. Create me as you wish, call upon me as you feel, I am as you, as you are as I, we are as One"

Gold Azeztulite is a key to new ventures within, to new kingdom's, to new world's. Also a stone to increase and further Angelic communication.
A stone to help one find a sanctuary from oneself, leading onto finding the peace within. A very good stone for the channeller needing focus and to have such a place within to channel with comfort and ease. Gold Azeztulite help's increase intuition, as well as helping the Crown Chakra to develop further in order to gain communication with spiritual existence and higher wisdom.

This is a stone is excellent to use in finely tuneing ones own energy and can also be used to finely tune energies within areas that are to be used for forms of channelling and meditational practice.

Gold Azeztulite brings Golden Light to all that it touches and all that it joins with. It is a stone that can be used to direct and focus energy from other stones to the needed area or way - such as in healing techniques. For this, place Gold Azeztulite in front of the other chosen stone at the time of use, very good to be used in such a way in wand form.
Also, Gold Azeztulite stimulates the physical and inner senses of hearing and seeing, this is a beneficial stone to use if there is reversable damage in these areas or in strengthening them.

Gold Azeztulite help's to lift a heavy and dense atmosphere, as well as helping to lift one's mood. It is a stone that creates and attracts true Angelic Joy from within and all around.

"Awaken the Angel within"



The ‘Stone of the Ancient Planets’, a very in-depth and intriguing energy that brings the being closer to the knowledge and wisdom that is contained within many planets, as well as the knowledge and wisdom that has been created by lost, forgotten and ancient civilisations.

Brookite sets off a channel of thought and energy that is direct to such planets and civilisations. It awakens a part of the being that heads towards finding such knowledge, heads towards the creation of communications in order to turn found knowledge into wisdom.

This stone opens up direct doorways to the whole energy force found within and around all such planets and civilisations. The doorways lead to library’s that are layer upon layer of teachings, beliefs, ways and means of life.

Brookite puts the being in touch with such energies to help in the creation of the new life ahead. It is a stone that can only bring forth positive blessings in all of its offerings.

“My offerings may be a giving to only one being, but what this one being gains can be a giving to a whole planet”

On a healing level, Brookite’s wisdom can be called upon in the regeneration and strengthening of all major organs within the body. Especially the liver, kidneys and heart. Also Brookite is beneficial in the strengthening of weakened and brittle bones, including the teeth.

Also, keeping Brookite near after invasive surgery or deep injury has taken place, can ensure a strong recovery and thorough healing process.

“I can seen as be a piece of a puzzle, I can seen as a key to the impossible. Or Simply, I can be seen as a part of life, Seen as a part of all. I am a part of you, as you are a part of I”

Libyan Gold Tektite

Libyan Gold Tektite

The ‘Stone of the Truthful Soul’, holding mesmerizing and heart felt energies that take it’s keeper on a journey of truth, unveiling all of truths worth’s and finding the true soul.

Libyan Gold Tektite is a teacher of truth, a stone that help’s one to speak from the heart, to speak in that of love and off light, and to speak with true meaning.

This stone encourages one to see what is real around oneself, to see what need’s to be learnt from, what need’s to be accepted and to look past what is not of truth or of positive gain.

Libyan Gold Tektite can “pull at the heartstrings” of many, the eye opening it brings can be deeply emotional but never for the wrong reason’s, and at this time one learns to understand, accept then either act upon, or let go.

“The being often hides from such heart felt emotion, yet it is this emotion that brings learning, that brings wisdom, that brings another stage in life”

A stone to take of the self-veil, to take away rose tinted vision, to take away the mask of what one thought was or used as a sense protection, in order to let in reality and truth. Although this alone may send fear or un-comfort through many, this happening would never be more than oneself or other’s could handle.

Libyan Gold Tektite help’s to take away impurity from the mind and spirit, taking away that which could cause un-truth or un-justice, whether toward oneself, or toward other’s.

At times of distress to the being who need’s to be the outward speaker, keeping such a stone close by and calling upon it’s assistance in helping thought and word be that of rightful and dutiful truth, is a very beneficial and positive decision to make.

Libyan Gold Tektite has an intense purity of soul, this purity is attached to a great wisdom, a true being of love and of light, that of angelic nature yet not as an angelic being, but still a part of a whole energy, a part of the universe. These such light being’s are new to being channelled, yet are from an infinite source. They continue to help in keeping harmony in universal change, and in universal law, it is now that they are here for the human being’s assistance, in teaching great wisdom and skill, helping in the awakening of the true soul.

“When one look’s up to the stars, one shall see beauty and brilliance, yet when one has opened the soul to the allowance of truth, a change has begun, a veil removed, one shall look up to the stars yet still see beauty and brilliance, but what one shall also see, is oneself looking back”
This is a stone that brings the Midas-touch; it brings out the ability to turn negative nature into that of positive nature, in both physical and non-physical reality.

“What is positive nature in energy existence is what brings that of positive nature into physical existence"

Libyan Gold Tektite’s connection with such beautiful and pure light beings, mean’s that this is a stone which can be used to ask for assistance to ease suffering and pain of any life form, and to bring forth healing and comfort.

This is a truly magnificent stone, a universal gift for all soul’s, a true gift of life.

Orange Kyanite

Orange Kyanite

Orange Kyanite the ‘Stone of Desire', holding deep set energies that help the being have desires that are healthy and positive, to nurture and manifest these into goal’s and happening’s.

Orange Kyanite is a stimulant to the mind, body and soul. Helping one to keep desire rightful and positive. To help one gain access to these such desires and turn them to blessing’s.

This is a stone that help’s one to face fear’s, face the world. To over come hurdles and to ‘hard’ task’s and lesson’s, with courage and integrity. Orange Kyanite help’s one to speak the truth, to speak with a righteous manner, to speak in justice and for those who truly do need it.

Orange Kyanite is a stone to help one better oneself as well as encourage one to be thoughtful of other being’s who can be helped by one’s own knowledge and wisdom.

Orange Kyanite encourages generosity in many way’s, as well as teaching one that one learns from other’s just as much as they learn from oneself.

“To not walk over other being’s on one’s life’s journey, is to know true respect that comes from within”

Also, Orange Kyanite brings a teaching of Karma, a teaching of the often said “What goes around comes around”. Yet this is not done as a warning or a threat, Orange Kyanite encourages a sense of understanding, a sense of knowing.
“What one put’s out into the world, is to be from one’s heart, not just from one’s mind”

Orange Kyanite can be used to stimulate an under active sacral



The ‘Stone of Confidence’, holding a striking energy that instills confidence at it’s best, creating a pathway of light for it’s keeper’s.

Kunzite is that striking, that if the energy was to be seen with the naked eye, it would light up like a full moon’s shine.

This is a stone to be kept close to help strongly encourage confidence and self belief. To give a quick lift and bring a state of positive and optimistic outlook.

Kunzite help’s one to “see the light” in everything and everyone. Encouraging the step up the ladder, the step forward, this is a key to a brighter future.

Also a stone to help clear away negative smog and stagnant energy within the aura and within the environment.

Use Kunzite during meditation to instill wisdom, self belief and self encouragement.

Kunzite is a stone to help one to leave the old behind and move into the new. Beneficial for house move’s over long distance bringing a sense of acceptance and peace.

This is a fantastic stone to use when stages come in life where one want’s to look for something new, something fulfilling and exciting - a new venture. Kunzite stimulates the thought process in making wise and positive decision’s as well as encouraging the confidence to take such step’s.

Depression is a sensitive issue for so many in this world and not all have support. Kunzite is a support for any being, helping to sooth and lighten emotion’s, troubled thought’s and mood swing’s.

Kunzite is a key to a brighter future in a single stone.. Take away the darkness and allow the light in. Learn that Life really is a beautiful giving