KSC Crystals

KSC Crystals
When only the best crystals will do.

Tuesday 28 December 2010

Rhodazez Pink Azeztulite

Rhodazez Pink Azeztulite

The ‘ Stone of Love & Light’, bringing forth a joining of energy within and all around, that of Love and that of Light.

Rhodazez is a beautiful creation from Mother Earth to her children. This stone flushes pure energy throughout each minor and major energy centres, as well throughout the physical body, to clear and open them to accept what is within and available all around to all beings - That of Love & Light. The Divine connection.

A stone that resonates well with the Heart energy centre and the Crown energy centre. Using both of these to gain and form connection to higher realms. Rhodazez is beneficial in forming communication’s to Angelic beings for assistance in deep healing, especially where there has been unfortunate events of emotional hurt and abuse, as well as abandonment and sudden loss.

Rhodazez makes a very good stone to be given to spiritually aware children who need to feel secure and safe, bringing a knowing and sense of being watched over from Angelic Beings.

A stone to diminish feelings of abandonment, of being lost and of being lonely. Rhodazez brings the “Mothers Touch” and the “Fathers Safety” within a single touch.

Use this stone to soften and bring peaceful energies to tense and heavy atmospheric areas. As well as to attract protective light beings around the home where babies and children play and sleep.

Rhodazez makes a very good companion to the being who has a connection to the gentler Nature Spirits, as well as making a very special gift to such beings.

A very mystical offering of this stone, is that it can truly “open the eyes” to kingdom’s of Nature Spirits and to Angelic World’s, especially within children who already hold an innocence and purity of spirit enough to communicate with ease.

Rhodazez help’s to soften and lighten the beings energy within and outer. Bringing peace that will shine through the whole aura. This in turn attracts that of matching energies.

“Love is more than a feeling, it is a knowing, Light is more knowing, it is a feeling”

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