KSC Crystals

KSC Crystals
When only the best crystals will do.

Thursday 3 March 2011




Bytownite opens the mind to the understanding and accepting of the past, present and future. It is a stone that brings forth recognition of happenings that have brought positive creation.

This is a stone that comes with a deep connection to all that is recognised as being above, higher than the skies, yet one is encouraged with Bytownite to open the mind to an understanding that all that is above, is also below.

“I am above as I am below, I am the moon as I am the Earth, I am air, the waters and the sands. Follow a streams flow, gaze to a candles glow and you shall find me. I am all around and within”

Bytownite is a good stone to help one find peace and acceptance even from the most disruptive of life happenings. It is a stone that allows one to let cycles take place even though they may not always be pleasant, yet also encourages one to cherish the hidden knowledge that comes from such happenings.

A stone that has a Lunar connection past the understanding that the beautiful Lunar has a continuous cycle containing mystery and wisdom just like Life itself, this connection being to help one in the renewing and cleansing of the soul from stagnancy and negative energy built up often from past hurt and trauma.

“Life is a cycle, a journey, like an infinite story within a book. With each page comes another happening, another change, another understanding”

Bytownite is beneficial to the being in the healing journey out of states of disruption and depression. It is a stone that helps to bring light to the mind, body and spirit, encouraging a more positive and stable outlook.

This stone is useful in bringing peaceful sleep, a release from nightmares and comfort from anxiety. A beneficial way to gain extra help in the more extreme of such cases, is to gently gaze into the Bytownite stone visualising another world, a beautiful world of peace and tranquillity. Although in time, allowing oneself a gentle understanding that this peaceful and tranquil world can also be found all around and within.

“Lunar cycle is that of Life cycle, she sees all and feels all, allowing her wisdom and beauty to shine down on all that is past, present and future .. Yet one has no real need to see her shine, in time one shall learn to find her shine within”

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