KSC Crystals

KSC Crystals
When only the best crystals will do.

Thursday 23 September 2010




This rare stone is mainly in the form of phantoms within crystals. It is a very powerful tool, it is suggested that it produces a melding between heart & throat chakras and allows speaking that of one's heart. It also provides a sense of peacefulness in the emotional system and joyful acceptance of one's surroundings, circumstances, and environment. Ajoite is a copper-based mineral found as an inclusion in quartz crystals from a copper mine in Messina, South Africa. Some exhibit the well-known intense turquoise blue patches within the quartz crystal formations. Others are the 'creamy' variety of Ajoite, with a soft turquoise diffused throughout the crystal. Ajoite is a strengthener, healer and harmonizer of the emotional body. Its sweet vibrations not only soothe us­­ they also draw out the poison of one's subconsciously held sorrows, fears, rage and old woundings.

Meditation with Ajoite can bring both tears and laughter, as feelings arise in what is often a deep yet gentle release of inner tensions. Yet the outcome is a movement towards joy, a happiness that needs no outer reason. Working with these exceptionally lovely new crystals, ones' heart is swept up into a rapturous appreciation of the beauty of life, in all its difficulty and wonder.

There is something profoundly wholesome about Ajoites. They not only help us to release our old grief and pain, but once this process has progressed, we are gifted with a sense of growing strength and confidence, a clear-minded sense of our own goodness, and our ability to move forward on the spiritual path.

Ajoite reminds us of beauty, both inner and outer, and it inspires us to bring more beauty into the world through all the things we say and do. Ajoite can help one awaken the emotions of compassion and forgiveness­­ first for oneself and then for all beings. These emotions are key in the healing of the many conflicts that exist on all levels of human life.

There is another saying that one must 'be the change you want to see in the world.' It is surely true that if we wish to see the world around us become a place of peace, beauty, kindness and joy, then we must do all we can to cultivate those things in ourselves, and to emanate those energies into the world. If enough of us do this as fully as possible, we can set a new pattern in place. And it is wonderful to realize that the change which will most benefit oneself is the same change that can heal humanity. These Ajoites are the ideal tools from the mineral realm to assist one in being this change. They are on every level a manifestation of beauty, serenity and well-being. They show us that sweetness is often hidden below the surface appearances of things, and they remind us to cultivate and bring forth the sweetness within ourselves.

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