KSC Crystals

KSC Crystals
When only the best crystals will do.

Friday, 21 January 2022




Rhodonite promotes self confidence, refinement, gracefulness, courtesy, tact, alternatives and inner growth.  Rhodonite helps with our intuition and to stimulate development of the metaphysical processes both in our meditation and channelling. Rhodonite  helps bring forth the rise of the Kundalini and supports the movement through the Chakra's.  Brings stabilization and calmness throughout the physical, mental, emotional and ethereal bodies.  During contemplation Rhodonite  can help balance peace and solitude with harmony and activity. Rhodonite helps inspire love through the heart and mind.

Please also see :-

Rhodonite Freeforms

Rhodonite Angels

​​​​​​​Rhodonite Bracelet

​​​​​​​Rhodonite Earrings

​​​​​​​Rhodonite Crystals

​​​​​​​Rhodonite Fish

​​​​​​​Rhodonite Merkab

​​​​​​​Rhodonite Pendants

Rhodonite Pendulums

​​​​​​​Rhodonite Skulls

​​​​​​​Rhodonite Spheres

​​​​​​​Rhodonite Wands

Thursday, 20 January 2022

Red Jasper Hearts


Red Jasper is good for relaxation, contentment, compassion, healing, gives us a dynamic, lively energy, empowering us and reducing the feelings of being a victim.  Helps us to remember dreams
It is considered an emotionally calming stone, and can be an excellent stone for either those who are hypersensitive to crystalline energy and find it difficult to work with, or for those who like change to be a gradual, unfolding process. 
In some Native American cultures red jasper is considered to be the symbolic blood of the earth, and it's generally thought to be one of the best stones for connecting with the deep, stabilizing energies of the earth.
In the Chakra system red relates to emotions, and of all the red stones it is the least volatile. Jasper is a stone which makes its effects known slowly and gradually.  

Wednesday, 19 January 2022





The ‘Stone of Confidence’, holding a striking energy that instils confidence at its best, helps remove negativity and moves the being towards a pathway of light.

Kunzite is a stone with a high vibrational level and a very pure energy source. It is a stone that brings tranquillity, confidence and courage, as well as bringing light to who ever it touches. Their is no negative where Kunzite rests, only that of positive nature and love. Although Kunzite in its different forms has differing offerings, its undertones remain the same.

More :- Crystals for healing

Thursday, 13 January 2022


 Z Stones 

Robert Simmons writes:

Z-Stone (Limonite after Marcasite) from Sahara dessert.

‘For those who wish to travel inter dimensionally and explore the subtle realms of consciousness, Z Stones could provide an interesting ticket. 

They powerfully stimulate the third eye and crown chakra, although they do not immediately take one ‘up’ to the angelic realms. Instead, it is as though the Z stones widen one’s awareness, allowing one to see and explore the nearer realms which are normally overlooked in our everyday state.

The astral realm can be readily accessed with Z Stones. Another more rarefied realm, that of the ‘living geometries’ can be reached by using Z Stones along with meditative focus on the Merkaba or other forms of sacred Geometry.

‘At the mention of the Merkaba, I am reminded of the type of inter dimensional travel that utilises the ‘Merkaba Vehicle of Light’. This is visualised as two counter-rotating tetrahedrons, extending above, through and below the body, with one’s heart at the centre.

If one works to visualise this energetic vehicle while holding a Z Stone at the third eye, one may experience a much quicker and vivid transition to the ‘travelling’ state. With this vehicle, one can potentially move, as a point of consciousness, anywhere in the universe, almost instantaneously.

Such travel may be the most dramatic utilization of the Z Stones it can be helpful for those wishing to work with elemental energies. They can be excellent tools for working magically, especially in the area of sympathetic magic. When one works with Z Stone to focus awareness and will, the connection between the subject and the magical talisman is readily made. 

Those using Z Stone are urged to work with a focused positive intention. Without an intention, these stones may simply make one ‘high’. It may be easier to keep the beneficial focus if one combines the Z Stone with a spiritually attuned stone such as Danburite, Anandalite, Rosophia or Azeztulite. For certain, Z Stones are powerful, and their energies are rather freewheeling, so one is advised to have a purpose in mind when beginning to work with them. Staying centred in the heart is most helpful.

Remember to keep a grounding/protective stone such as Black Tourmaline,  or Merlinite nearby.

More :- Crystals For Healing 

Friday, 7 January 2022

Blue-Green Azeztulite

Blue-Green Azeztulite is a high-vibration stone discovered in the USA's Pacific Northwest.  It is a silicon dioxide mineral with a hardness of 7.  Its blue-green colour is derived from copper compounds within the stones.
Robert Simmons writes :-
 "Blue-Green Azeztulite is a fantastic stone for awakening and healing the emotional body. It works through resonance with the compassionate live being continuously emanated by the Earth, combined with the bliss of Divine Light. When these energies circulate through our vibrational fields, they can cleanse us of negative fixations, fears, resentments, depression, judgements and stress. Often this cleansing process is accompanied by tears, and it is best not to hold them back. Once the emotional body is cleared by the currents of Blue-Green Azeztulite, one's ability to feel is greatly enhanced.  One experiences everything more vividly. One feels completely involved and aware, but one does not become inappropriately attached to either happiness or sadness. These things are felt like currents within the great flowing river of our lives.

Crystals to Reboot for 2022


Crystals to Reboot for 2022

This is a email that I received from a regular customer that has now become a friend :-

Hi Keith 

Absolutely loved your last newsletter! 
Thought I would send you a grid I made for our family / home based on the Crystals to Reboot for 2022. 

These are amazing crystals Keith, you chose well ! (Feel free to share my grid, you can include my name if you wish, either in your next newsletter or any of your social media platforms if you would like.)

Firstly, I knew the grid itself needed to be the Merkaba.

Starting with the 'inner circle' of crystals which has within it the 5 you mentioned (going clockwise starting at the 'top'):
Clear Quartz (added for its inherent properties as well as to bring down the Light....and to make 6 for the Merkaba......2022 is a 6 year also)

Continuing with the 'middle circle'.....6 Green Chrome Diopside that just happened to arrive in the post the day I was composing the grid! (had forgotten I ordered 6). 

In part I was drawn to the following: "All Diopsides stimulate new cycles of growth and renewal and deep healing in the body and can begin the process of reversing negative emotional and mental states, so this green variety can bring deep heart emotional healing and release of stress. The intense green, clarity and energy of these Russian stones can be revitalising and it connects us to Gaia and the plant kingdom and the healing energies of both of these." 

I thought how absolutely perfect coming out of the past 2-2 1/2 years and entering a new year 2022! Fitted well with your crystals as well !

The third or 'outer circle'.....6 Natural Clear Quartz chosen specially for this grid. Then were in turn gifted to me by the shop owner!!

The grid is now sat firmly in the middle of our dining table which I think will stay there for much of this year. 
Hope you enjoyed that!
Blessings to you and Sandra,

Thursday, 6 January 2022

Black Azeztulite

Black Azeztulite is a newly discovered Azeztulite. Chemically, it a combination of Quartz and black Calcite, found only in Vermont, USA. 
Black Azeztulite is found in the same areas where Vermont’s White Azeztulite has been discovered. In some instances, the Black Azeztulite has been found attached to White Azeztulite stones.
Robert Simmons writes: “The discovery of Black Azeztulite heralds a new chapter in the saga of the penetration of the substance of the Earth and of humanity by the Nameless Light of the Great Central Sun. These stones physically embody the metaphor of the Light within Darkness, and their energies can impart that experience to whomever attunes to these stones.
“When I first sat down to meditate with a Black Azeztulite, I was taken completely by surprise as I felt its currents. I had been expecting a somewhat softer or more muted version of what I already knew from the White Azeztulites. Instead, I felt a truly awesome power. At first, as I held the stone over my heart and invited it into my field, I experienced waves of energy filling my body with a strong tingling sensation. Next came a feeling of low-level discomfort at several locations on and within my head, especially at the crown chakra. When I inquired inwardly about this, I was shown that the stone was dissolving some inappropriate patterns or attachments, clearing my chakras where they needed it. As this progressed, the waves of energy grew more powerful and began to resonate within my whole body, from head to toe. In my head there appeared the most lovely white Light, beginning as a flash and increasing in intensity. As this continued, I experienced a feeling of wonder and pleasure, and the nearness of something holy. Touching the third eye and crown chakras with the stone increased these sensations. Next, I touched the Mouth of God chakra point at the back of the head, just above the neck. This seemed to be the most powerful placement, and while I held the stone there I was washed inwardly with waves of Light and Power, and began receiving more information about the stone.
“Black Azeztulite is a stone of the Midnight Sun. It is related to the huge Black Hole at the center of our galaxy, and it represents the moment of the Singularity, in which all the laws of the universe become fluid and changeable. It is a stone of the Zero Point, and as such it can be a very powerful catalyst for spiritual transformation. When one fully attunes to Black Azeztulite, one can change literally anything about oneself, and can ultimately create profound changes in the outer world as well. Making both sorts of changes involves a commitment of one’s will which is free from hesitation or doubt. If one can fully focus in this way, the co-creative potential of working with these stones is unlimited.

Himalayan Quartz

The 'Stone of Light', this stone holds energies that are of purity and high vibration.
Quartz overall is a high vibrational stone with a very pure and self-adjusting energy. It works on the whole of the being, the whole of an atmosphere and widely strengthens the energy output of other crystals and minerals. It is a stone mainly in its clear pure form that can be called upon when seemingly all else fails, or when there is confusion of what other crystal or mineral to connect with. In its different forms it does have differing offerings, yet with the same undertones.
Himalayan Quartz can help create a clear channel with Angelic and Divine Realms, as well as rising the either the beings or a particular areas energy vibrational level. It is a stone that will also help to remove blockages from the flow of energy from oneself as part of the process. Perfect for use in meditation set for channelling higher awareness, and in helping one to find ones true self. A stone to use alongside other crystal and minerals to strengthen and clarify their energy output, also attracting positive light energy no matter where it may be.
"To look into the light of this stone will show the light in one's inner being"
Himalayan Quartz resonates well within all the bodies energy centres, it is a stone that will help to cleanse and bring alignment to each one. It can also be helpful in clearing fields of energy of any negativity, including the aura. Healers will find connection with this stone very well, it will most certainly be a joy to work with.
It will be of benefit to place this stone around any electrical items to bring protection from electro-magnetic fields and frequencies, also known as EMF.
Himalayan Quartz holds all colours of the spectrum and radiates them as white light, if in doubt of any other stones to connect with, or if all else seems to fail, call upon the beauty of Himalayan  Quartz.

Wednesday, 5 January 2022



The ‘Light Healer’, holding high vibrational energies that connect to all that is love, and all that is light. Azeztulite brings pure Divine healing through its ever deepening Angelic communications. 

Azeztulite is a stone that will not cease to bring forth the highest and purest of healing energies. This stone can be called upon at times when it said a healing miracle is needed. Azeztulite always work’s at its best and brings forth Angel’s at its side’s. 

“Azeztulite is an Angel’s Touch, an Angel’s Tear, an Angel’s Gaze. All that is Love and all that is Light” 

A stone of peace and of harmony, Azeztulite purifies all that it touches. A stone that can highly raise vibration to the being or to its surrounding’s.

Azeztulite strongly attracts light positive energy and diminishes dark negative energy. 

This stone can be used in clearing through energy blockages within the body, and encourages the correct energy flow throughout all major and minor energy centers. 

Being the keeper of Azeztulite is having an eternal glowing light all around oneself. This attracts ‘light beings’ closer, who offer assistance and guidance if it is needed. 

Azeztulite resonates very well with the crown chakra and can ease away headaches that are especially caused from tension. A stone to ease stress levels and sooth an over worked mind and an over worked soul. 

Also Azeztulite helps to combat the effects of Electro Magnetic Frequency, keep in the chosen area to be protected or if one is prone to sudden “attacks” from EMF, Azeztulite will work fast in correcting and protecting. 

Azeztulite is a wonderful stone to give to spiritually aware children, they will bond well with its energies and gain a closer communication with Angelic beings, who in turn can help them on the journey of heightened awareness at such delicate stages in life. 

A truly beautiful stone inside and out.\

More :- Crystals For Healing 


Want to create your own online shop yourself?

Want to create your own online shop yourself?

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They offer an all in one Ecommerce platform that includes everything you need to sell online, from your own domain name to the ability to take payments. They have over 150 themes, so your shop will look unique. Plus all Ecommerce features come standard with all plans, which means you don’t have to pay for expensive add-on apps.

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Tumble Stones begining with the letter E.


Tumble stones have are used in crystal healing and crystal therapy by crystal healing therapists all round the world for many years.

All the crystals and tumbled stones in this section have with one thing in common:  They begin with the letter E.



Epidote & Prehnite


Tuesday, 4 January 2022

New Zealand White Azeztulite


New Zealand White Azeztulite is a quartz based mineral found only in a remote mountain area of New Zealand.
Robert Simmons writes :-
New Zealand White Azeztulite most definitely emanates a pure ray of the powerful pulsations and blissful currents of the Nameless Light energy.  It offers the essence of joy, allowing one to release constricted patterns of grief, depression, anxiety and anger.
New Zealand White Azeztulite can rekindle the inner flame of our spiritual Light, and nourish it be blending its energies with one’s own.  To be with this stone is like walking with an angel beside you. 
New Zealand White Azeztulite is a quartz based mineral found only in a remote mountain area of New Zealand.
Robert Simmons writes :-
New Zealand White Azeztulite most definitely emanates a pure ray of the powerful pulsations and blissful currents of the Nameless Light energy.  It offers the essence of joy, allowing one to release constricted patterns of grief, depression, anxiety and anger.
New Zealand White Azeztulite can rekindle the inner flame of our spiritual Light, and nourish it be blending its energies with one’s own.  To be with this stone is like walking with an angel beside you.