Ametrine Citrine
Ametrine / Citrine
This crystal is almost pure citrine it just has a faint violet hue
Ametrine & Citrine
As in life’s and Mother Earths ever changing stages, these same changes take place within the Crystal & Mineral Kingdom. Although many stones that are conjoined as one still have the same offering’s as when they are not conjoined, there are those that actually change. Seeing it like wavelengths of sound that sometimes resonate yet sometimes clash, this also describes how sometimes the energy of conjoined stones must change in order to resonate.
Here, Ametrine is the focus stone. It has a higher tuned energy that is working on a bit more of a faster rate than Citrine. Ametrine has nearly all the same offerings as it does alone with very minimal changes. Citrine however, does have a bit more of a change in this form, to what it does alone. As in a continuing story, these conjoined stones evolve to -
The ‘Stone of Spiritual Focus’, helps in bringing the being to a more spiritually focused state. Helping in the use of intuition to be brought through and used in the bettering of focus in everyday life.
This is a stone that stimulates the Third eye and Crown Energy centres. It helps to awaken the being to spiritual learning in order to be used at times where focus in different areas of everyday life needs higher guidance. A stone to also increase the bodies natural vibration rate.
This stone can be used to gently stir the bodies life energy force, and also bring about necessary energy shifts within the core of the bodies Energy centres. Ametrine & Citrine encourages one to find wisdom in all life, and to focus on this to bring forth positive blessings to oneself and to others.
Ametrine & Citrine also helps ease headaches, deepen sleep states, induce intuitive dreaming and calm nerves. Alongside this, Ametrine & Citrine can be used to absorb toxin and dis-ease from the body, and also toxin from the atmosphere. It also makes a good stone to be used in smudging ceremonies.
For use with the toxin or dis-ease removal from the body, place Ametrine & Citrine on an exact known area of intoxication/dis-ease or keep the stone close while focusing on the removal of the exact form of intoxication/dis-ease. For a deep healing practice, place a single stone on the following areas - The forehead, both left and right shoulders, both left and right hands (in manageable positions), the naval area, both left and right hip areas, just above both left and right knee caps, and finally, on both left and right feet (in manageable positions) for the suited period.
With removal of toxin from an atmosphere, judge the amount of Ametrine & Citrine needed to the scale of the atmospheric upset. Such as, in a medium sized room of a home, placing two to three tumbled stones in four corners of the room will work very efficiently. The size of the stones should also be taken into consideration with this actual process to. The larger the stone, the less that is needed.
It is to be kept in mind that due to just Citrine’s absorbing properties, the stones shall need thorough cleansing and charging.
This stone is perfect for meditation, it brings a very soothed, peaceful and deep visualisation state. Use Ametrine & Citrine at times when one just needs to escape and relax, take time out.
Also at times when one needs this to bring things into perspective and find what needs necessary focus and what is causing blockage.
Ametrine & Citrine brings calm and is a very good stone for the un-certain or un-focused being. A stone that brings a sense of belonging and sense of spiritual peace.
This stone helps in settling of the past into the present, a stone to help one learn from the past to use the gained wisdom in the here and now.
It is not wise to use Ametrine & Citrine if there is a mental disorder present such as schizophrenia or paranoia.
The fact that Citrine is present, brings this stone up a level on grounding, although it is still beneficial to match a grounding stone alongside.
Ametrine and Citrine is a very calming and spiritualy focused stone.