KSC Crystals

KSC Crystals
When only the best crystals will do.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Clear Quartz Pyramids

Clear Quartz Pyramids

Pyramids can be used to house and centre an energy source, then to release it steadily and evenly.
If placed in the centre of an area that is needed for meditation, the pyramid can cleanse away negative energy and replace it with a positive flow of energy, therefor creating a clearer space for a clearer connection during any meditational practice.
For those of you who work with the earth's energies, whether it is to create a channel, for ceremonies, for prayer, using a pyramid can be of great help.
The pyramid will work to draw the needed energy given by the earth, hold it until enough power is created and a balance is found, then release it as a flow through the top of the pyramid, it will then increase until it flows throughout the pyramid.
This is also beneficial if there is a group of followers, as the flow of energy is evenly distributed from each wall of the pyramid, in time this builds an area of purified power.
If the chosen pyramid to be of use, is made from such materials that can amplify an energy source, this can greatly enhance the power held within the pyramid and that then gets released.
If the chosen pyramid to be of use, is made from such materials that can be of a specific benefit, then once again the power held within the pyramid, will create the focus of energy and then release it to where it is needed.
The Pyramid may have an ancient history, but still to this very day, even in the smallest forms can hold and transmit energy sources, they really are houses of purity and power, almost having a mind of their own.



Known as the "Fairy Cross Stone", Staurolite are believed to be fashioned from tears the fairies shed when they heard the news of Christ's death. It is traditionally known as a protective stone and a talisman for good luck.

Staurolite boosts and strengthens ceremonies used in white magic rituals. Staurolite helps to access the ancient wisdom of the Middle East. It connects the physical, etheric and spiritual planes, promoting communication between the three.

In addition, Staurolite is used to aid in the reprieve of depression, addictions and stress. An excellent crystal for those wishing to stop smoking.

Furthermore, Staurolite assists in the understanding of the concealed behind such addictions and provides grounding energy to those who have used nicotine to anchor them to the earth.

Monday 23 January 2017



Cryolite is an uncommon mineral identified with the once large deposit at Ivigtût on the west coast of Greenland, this source was depleted by 1987, making Cryolite a very hard mineral to obtain. Cryolite is an unusual mineral, if you place clear cryolite in water it looks as if it disappears, if you put translucent Cryolite in water it appears to be clearer and if Cryolite is placed in a flame, it melts. Cryolite is said to aid confidence, assist in public speaking and help with speaking disorders.
Cryolite is a highly spiritual crystal with a high vibration that has a powerful effect on the brain. Cryolite markedly energizes the prefrontal cortex of the brain and the third eye chakra, and is known as one of the more powerful crystals to aid Lightbody awakening.
Cryolite crystal also strongly activates the crown chakra and the heart chakra, along with the third eye chakra, bringing all three chakras into harmony and alignment.

Sunday 11 December 2016


Larimar Pendants 

Larimar is a superb stone for Earth Healing. Larimar can also help us to “take control” of our own lives. Larimar shows us that suffering need not be present in our spiritual lives and that also our own spirit can be without bounds or limitations. 

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Ruby in Fuchsite Wands

This crystal can foster romance, marriage, integrity, devotion and passion. It helps in all things related to Love. Ruby in Fuchsite blends the energising, stimulating and balancing effects of Ruby with the reflective energies of Fuchsite that help you to examine issues and problems regarding the way you interact with other people. It also stimulates the mind and emotions. It can be a help when you need to "bounce back" after particularly tense or stressful physical or emotional situations.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Dioptase and Chrysocolla

A new combination stone

Dioptase and Chrysocolla

The 'Stone of Security', a beautiful stone that will offer security to those who feel abandoned or alone.Dioptase helps to change the way of thinking so that the thought patterns break the cycle of insecure feelings that often comes from that such as troubled childhoods and corrupt relationships.
Chrysocolla is a stone of harmony, it can be used to purify a place or remove negativity from a person.

See the full collection here :- Dioptase and Chrysocolla