KSC Crystals

KSC Crystals
When only the best crystals will do.

Friday 1 April 2011

Imperial Topaz

Imperial Topaz

Imperial Topaz

The 'Stone of Praise', helps the being to recognise achievements, ability and positive qualities, of not only the self, but of others too.

Topaz is a beautiful stone, it is soothing, healing and lifting in its offerings. It is a stone that feels its keeper and works where it is needed most, at its best. Topaz strives to help its keeper in as many ways as possible; emotionally, physically, mentally or spiritually. This stone sends out a clear message that it is here to love, to help and to heal. In its different forms it does have differing offerings, yet with the same undertones.

Imperial Topaz encourages self-praise and the praising of others, where there has been positive achievement, as well as the reaching of goals.

This stone also helps to bring recognition of positive qualities and abilities, not only of the self, but also of other beings. Imperial Topaz then encourages such positive qualities and abilities to be praised, brought out into the open and integrated in daily life.

A stone that raises confidence and self-esteem, Imperial Topaz can be called upon during times of insecurity and un-certainty.

This stone helps to lift the spirit and strengthen willpower. Alongside this, Imperial Topaz can be very helpful in the strengthening of spiritual, physical, mental and emotional health and ability.

Also, Imperial Topaz can be a helpful support and strength to those breaking addictions and negative cycles. A stone that also helps release the being from the grip of depression, anxiety and nervousness, as well as being helpful in the easing and prevention of nervous and physical exhaustion.

Imperial Topaz aids the function of the body's lymphatic and endocrine system, as well as the function of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, lungs and heart. This stone also helps in the clearing and prevention of water infections, bladder stones and bladder inflammation.

Imperial Topaz encourages the being to be the best they can be, to the best of their ability. Alongside this, Imperial Topaz teaches of boundaries and the importance of not pushing the self to far, past limitations.

KSC Crystals

KSC Crystals

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Amethyst Elestial

Amethyst Elestial

The Elestial can be used to both sustain and maintain one during changes, helping to prepare one for transformation and to allow for the penetration of the hidden layers of cause, which support states of disease. It assists one in the recognition of the way one actually feels, both emotionally and physically; hence helping to stimulate the power of personal expression and personal potential. It can also be used to assist one in access to information to the karmic burdens incurred during past lives, helping one to both recognize and understand the "easy" lessons that can cancel the karma. It can also be used to access future lives and to understand that which must be accomplished in this life in order to eliminate the need to repeat harsh lessons.

Elestials are rather strange to look at and are quite different in their physical make up from other crystal formations. They look like hundreds of small crystals that have been stuck together. Neither are they smooth or polished and this makes them stand out from other crystals.

Monday 28 March 2011

Watermelon Tourmaline

Watermelon Tourmaline

Some new examples for you to look at.

The watermelon tourmaline is a rare variety of tourmaline that displays three different colours in the same crystal - green (the skin of the watermelon), pink (the sweet fruit) and white (the rind).The colours of the watermelon tourmaline occur 100% naturally. This is a rare occurrence in nature.
In this particular example the centre is very dark, almost black.

Healing properties of watermelon tourmaline

All of the tourmalines are used for their strong healing energies. The watermelon variety is used by crystal healers to encourage a calm, centered state of mind.

It is also suggested that Watermelon Tourmaline can attract love, Balance the male and female energies within yourself, Remove imbalances (and guilt) caused by conflicts and confusions.

The green part feeds your life force, while the pink soothes and harmonizes.

There are seven varieties of tourmaline that occur in various colours; pink, red or rubellite, green tourmaline, blue or indicolite, black or schorl, Watermelon and tourmalated quartz.

Watermelon Tourmaline has a calming, stress relieving quality it helps us to see the funny side of things. Watermelon Tourmaline helps us with patience, tenderness, tact and diplomacy. It helps us to resolve conflict and to alleviate old pain and anguish. It is also excellent for relieving depression and fear and replacing them with a sense of inner security. Watermelon Tourmaline helps hyperactive children to unwind. It also helps to calm adults who regularly have hysterics or who have to make a drama out of everything. Watermelon Tourmaline brings us joy in the simple act of living and with this joy comes an overall sense of harmony.

Watermelon Tourmaline is an excellent crystal for the heart chakra. It connects the heart chakra to our higher self and in doing so creates an energetic field of, love, understanding, compassion and friendship. Watermelon Tourmaline also helps us to appreciate nature.




This stone can help stimulate the throat, third eye and crown chakras, bringing together all the aspects of communication, both verbal and psychic abilities.

It is suggested that Tanzanite helps us to communicate our visions to others.

Tanzanite can help stimulate the crown chakra to bring forth visions from the higher realms and ancient tribal communities located throughout the world. Tanzanite has been called the "Stone of Magic" helping bring perfect balance of our personal power and to bring it to actualization. It can be used to help calm the overactive mind. Tanzanite can help lift the spirit and open the heart. It has been said to help release insolence and wanton behaviour and prevent thoughtless deeds.

Thursday 17 March 2011



Rubellite is pink to red tourmaline. It is a stone of balance and calm. Emotionally, rubellite helps bring emotional balance and helps open up, relax, and detach from personal pain. It can be used with lepidolite as a super-powerful energy for calming people in distress. As prosperity is a natural effect of a life in balance, rubellite also brings abundance. Rubellite is also a stone of passion, bringing passionate energy and love. Rubellite balances the body's electrochemical system, strengthens immune system, heals backaches, and reproductive system disorders, detoxifies the blood, assists with recovery, and eases the effects of radiation poisoning. Rubellite is associated with the sacral and root chakras, as well as the heart chakra.

Rubellite has a high Lithium content (thus pink / red colour) brings emotional balance, lovingness, and devotion in a down-to-earth way.

Friday 11 March 2011




The ‘Energy Purifier’, this fossilized resin will break through many negative and dense unwanted build up of energy that has collected over time in any situation, being or place.

Amber absorbs this energy immensely, even in it’s smallest of forms, Amber won’t fail at what it does best.

This can be used in the cleansing of Crystals and Minerals just place the resin with each one for it to absorb any negative or build up of energy that is not needed.

The resin is strongly linked to the native cultures, being widely used in cleansing ceremonies, even in that of dispelling "evil" energy forms. The term “evil” here indicates to something of a highly negative presence, or a form of energy in the same manner.

Amber helps bring one closer to nature, helps in grounding and also brings one to a more sensitive state in feeling Mother Earth's energy fields and vibrational rate.

Also very good in helping one to maintain a healthy state when following a vegetarian or vegan diet.

Amber helps the bladder function and helps to fight infection, or any upset in this area. Also, this stone helps to slow down and even stop dis-ease in its tracks. This can help give chance and improved quality of life.

A resin to be used in cleansing rituals, in protecting against "energy vampires", and also in repelling negative energy forms.
Amber is very beneficial in the calming of anxious and nervous animals, helping to sooth and relax them.

“I am the healer, cleanser and the protector. Here for all life, for all existence. I shall serve as One”

Because of Amber's remarkable clearing and protecting abilities, it will need cleansing and charging often.

Although felt as a gentle energy, Amber is not to be misjudged, it really does give an outstanding performance.