KSC Crystals

KSC Crystals
When only the best crystals will do.

Tuesday 28 December 2010

Green Kyanite

Green Kyanite

Green Kyanite the stone of inner truth.

It has been well reported that Kyanite does not hold negativity and never requires cleaning, therefore it is excellent for attunements and meditation.

Green Kyanite can help you to connect you with Elemental Devas and Nature spirits.

Devas are spirits usually invisible to the untrained human eye. They are part of the Angelic Kingdom and are in direct service to the world of nature expressing themselves as one of the 4 elements. They exist in the etheric world which penetrates our own. They can be seen or felt with our inner senses.

These beings are made up of an etheric substance that is unique and specific to their particular element. They are living entities oftentimes resembling human in shape but inhabiting worlds of their own.

Green Kyanite is said to be a link between yourself and the balance of this kingdom. It helps you to connect with the truth and if it is not truthful Green Kyanite will show you the incongruence. Kyanite is also a natural pain reliever and treats muscular disorders, fevers, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal glands, throat, and brain. It has been said that Green Kyanite lowers blood pressure and heals infections.

Thursday 23 December 2010



This fossilized resin will break through many negative and dense unwanted build up of energy that has collected over time in any situation, being or place.

Amber absorbs this energy immensely, even in its smallest form's, Amber wont fail at what it does best.

This can used in the cleansing of Crystals and Minerals, just place the resin with each one for it to absorb any energy that is not needed.

Amber resin is strongly linked to the native cultures, being widely used in cleansing ceremonies, even in that of dispelling "evil" energy form's.

Amber help's bring one closer to nature, help's in grounding and also brings one to a more sensitive state in feeling Mother Earth's energy field's and vibrational rate.

Also very good in helping one to maintain a healthy state when following a vegetarian or vegan diet.

Amber help's the bladder function and help's to fight infection or any upset in this area.
A resin to be used in cleansing rituals, in protecting against "energy vampires" and also in repelling negative energy form's.

Amber is very beneficial in the calming of anxious and nervous animals, helping to sooth and relax them.
Because of Amber's remarkable clearing and protecting abilities, it will need cleansing and charging often.

Although felt as a gentle energy, Amber is not to be misjudged, it really does give an outstanding performance.

Sunday 19 December 2010

Witch Stone

Witch Stone

The 'Stone of Clear Seeing', helps one to "see" within and all around with increased clarity and understanding.

Witch stone opens the inner eye to seeing the true self as well as the true self of others. It is a stone that removes the shroud where it needs removing, and clears away the mist and cloud from inner vision and helps to increase intuition.

The Witch stone can be kept close by to ward away negative energies and threat, by "showing" that ones inner vision and intuition is alive to clear seeing and truth recognition.

Witch stone helps one to trust in oneself, and it can give strength and clarity to the clairvoyant. As well as being a protector overall to any being both human and animal kind, this stone can give extra protection when the clairvoyant sense is in use.

Witch stone helps ease away nightmares and self negativity. Also a stone that can be placed anywhere around the sleeping area, to act as a ‘dream catcher’ and to attract positive blessing through dreams.

Witch stone has an attraction by faeries and if placed around windows of the home, it can let the fae know that they are welcome to visit. One can also leave small notes attached to the stone or through the stone to ask the fae for friendship and even help, if oneself or a loved one is in need.

Witch Stone is a stone to strengthen hope in the world that cannot be “seen” by so many. It can be infused with thoughts and messages to all that is a part of this unseen world, but only connects to that of positive nature.
Witch stone is a good stone to give to children but it must be kept with them in a safe manner only. The stone encourages positive imagination, brings courage and helps the child to feel a part of all.

A stone that can be given to the being, both human and animal kind, when the time has come for passing, on passing or after the passing. It brings comfort and reassurance to them as well helping them to cross into, and settle within the next world.

“Behind the cloud is light, behind the light is love”

Witch stone’s are also known as Hag stone’s, Druid stone’s or the Wizard stone’s.

These stones are from the south coast of England and have a natural hole worn away in them.

Friday 10 December 2010

Crystal Skulls

Crystal skulls from – K.S.C Crystals

Native legends speak of crystal skulls as an inheritance from ancient times. Said to “talk and sing” they are believed to carry messages for all mankind, including what may be discovered when we overcome our fear of death.

We have a wide variety of skulls, visit the web site to see the latest.



AKA Aurora and Rainbow quartz

The ‘buzz’ at the Tucson show this year was a new find of crystal quartz clusters that displays a shimmery iridescent quality reflecting the colours of the rainbow. I heard that the author of The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons, had purchased a large quantity of this fairly expensive stone.

This is what Robert Simmons has to say about the stone:

“One of the big hits of our trip to the Tucson Gem Show this year was a new stone we have named Anandalite. The word Ananda means Divine bliss, and this stone certainly lives up to its name! Anandalite is a variety of quartz. It occurs as clusters of small points arising from a greyish chalcedony base. The points vary from carpets of tiny sparkling druzy crystals to clusters of points up to ½ inch long. The structure is similar to Amethyst clusters, which are familiar sights in crystal shops. In Anandalite, however, there is a unique characteristic that distinguishes it from all other Quartz: many of the clusters reflect bright colours from and within the surfaces of the points. The colours range from green, blue and violet to yellow, red and orange. These colours flash in ways similar to those we see in Angel Aura coated crystals, but our suppliers assured us that the Anandalite quartz is completely natural. They told us the multi-colour flashes may be due to the presence of rhodium in the Quartz. We had never seen such radiance of colours from any other natural Quartz… the flashes of colour is most apparent when the stone is held under good light, and is moved, to catch multiple angles of reflection.”

The article went on to say “Ultimately, it was the vibrational currents of Anandalite, much more than its colours, that excited us…Anadalite is among the most powerful stones for Light Body activation and awakening the dormant potentials of both one’s physical body and one’s consciousness. It profoundly stimulates the central nervous system, all along the spinal column from the root chakra up to the crown.”

Azurite Pseudomorph

The ‘Stone of Empathy’, offering a rich energy that helps the being to connect with, and understand healthy emotion from within and all around.

This form of Azurite, helps open the inner senses to pick up on energy shifts, and brings balance to the empathic at times when picking up so much emotion from all around can almost become a burden, rather than a gift.

A stone to help open the Throat Energy centre and the Third eye energy centre, aiding communication and visionary quests. This stone also helps refresh a tired mind, very good for the long worker.

Azurite Pseudomorphs work well with children, helping stimulate creativity as well as encourage the child to form friendships and understand emotion from themselves and others.

Also a stone to encourage enthusiasm and positive thinking. This form of Azurite is good for helping one to have better character judgment, and to see the positive side of personality’s.

If one is to be faced with a problematic communication situation, use this form of Azurite to improve the flow of communication and lesson an “air of friction”.

Use Azurite Pseudomorphs to bring balance and harmony not only within, but all around oneself - a very good stone to keep in a work space to keep an air of ease.

“If one is just given a single moment of balance, this is a seed of harmony being sown into the soul”

A stone that is very beneficial to the Indigo child, helping bring a protective aura of energy, as well as easing off the “complications” that arise within the day to day living for the Indigo. Not only this, Azurite Pseudo Morphs bonds well to children who are not Indigos but still have a noticeable output of energy to give to world but do not know how to channel this energy and need a little inner direction.

A very harmonious and generous stone for all.

The Stone of Sanctuary

The Stone of Sanctuary

The 'Stone of Sanctuary', brings forth tranquillity and stillness, sooths away stress and discomfort, while working to fill life with Divine love and light.

This is a stone that connects the being to Divine source in every way manageable. The Stone of Sanctuary helps to lift away feelings of stress, worry and of discomfort, replacing them with calm. Settlement and ease.

A stone that opens the being to becoming more aware of inner and outer senses. The Stone of Sanctuary helps the being to recognise when each of these senses are at play, how they are at play and what they bring to light. This stone then teaches how these senses can be heightened and used day to day most beneficially.

The Stone of Sanctuary encourages the being to accept and work with what Divine source has brought to the self and to life in general. This stone brings to awareness to beauty in the smallest of things to the biggest of things, and even within and about the self.

A stone to help the being to find sanctuary at any given time in any given place. The Stone of Sanctuary teaches the being that this special place can be found within as much as in can be found all round. This teaching comes with guidance and supports every step of the way.

"It is not for any source to say exactly where sanctuary should be sort other than the self. Sanctuary is where the self finds the most peace, love and light; possibly a place of clear Divine nature, or that of Oneness for others. However this place is recognised, created or found, it shall ultimately only come from the self"

The Stone of Sanctuary helps to align the physical self to the etheric self, as well as raising the level of light energy within the two, onwards throughout the bodies major and minor energy centres. This stone also brings the being to be aware of the aura itself, actually opening up the physical sense of touching to pick up and feel the aura of the self and other living things.

This stone brings awareness of the fine veil between the physical realms to the spiritual realms, while teaching the being to actively, safely and positively become in harmony with this for a more enlightened life ahead.

The Stone of Sanctuary acts as a mirror, deflecting that of negativity away yet sending it away infused with love and light in order for it to be neutralised. A stone that also gives strong protection from potentially harmful amounts of electro-magnetic energies while also allowing that which is of no threat, including its own output. This can make it a useful stone for gridding or keeping as an amulet or talisman.

This is a stone that can be helpful in raising the output of energy of other crystals and minerals; therefore enhancing the their offerings, but the Stone of Sanctuary may be too overpowering for some of them so it is best tried and tested before properly conjoining.

On a healing level, the Stone of Sanctuary can help to ease away pain and discomfort on any level of the being, it can help to correct areas of the body that are out of synch or malfunctioning, improve the immune system, as well as being beneficial in the clearing away depression and negative thought cycles.

This stone can also be healing and easing to the being with any illness or disease that is at a chronic stage or even terminal stage.

A stone that also helps to soften and hydrate the skin incredibly well, raise energy levels and improve circulation. The Stone of Sanctuary is beneficial for the heart and can be helpful in easing angina, strengthening the heart against weakness and disease, as well helping correct and heal the heart where there is an arrhythmia, murmur and also where there has been a heart attack itself.

The Stone of Sanctuary is beneficial to the being who has troubles with sleeping. This stone helps sooth and de-clutter the mind while deeply relaxing the body in order for a peaceful sleep and more harmonised sleep pattern. For this keep close through sleeping hours starting at least an hour before onset of sleep depending on how chronic the sleep disturbance actually is.

A stone to bring deep soothing where there are feelings of anxiety, worry and distress. The Stone of Sanctuary will work with the being in all such cases and alike, to eventually instil feelings of stillness and of tranquillity.