KSC Crystals

KSC Crystals
When only the best crystals will do.
Showing posts with label healing crystals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healing crystals. Show all posts

Friday 11 October 2019



The 'Stone of Meditation’

Nuummite helps calm and stabilise in preparation for a deep relaxed state. It is a stone that de-clutters the mind, whilst improving focus.



Aegirine will empower your quest of self. It facilitates our truth in important ways. It enables one to do what is in the heart, and the required steps-to be who we are.

Thursday 12 September 2019

Apple Green Fluorite

Apple Green Fluorite Octahedron

Apple Green Fluorite 
Focuses the mind, brings order out of chaos, stress - allows the mind to work effectively in stressful situations, decisions, concentration. Helps with the  tiring affects of computer screens.
The Octahedron represents the element of Air and is linked to the Heart Chakra, which is the centre for love and compassion. This centre includes the healing and nurturing aspects within, which allow that sacred, safe space in which to find acceptance and forgiveness.
The Octahedron shape is also a mirror, a perfect reflection of itself, which is a lovely reminder of the mirrors/reflections that we are to each other. The Heart Chakra is also linked to touch, which is why this Platonic Solid would be best utilized for healing, manifestation, and energy work.
Due to the Octahedrons shape and nature, it would energetically work similar to a Double Terminated point. Energy will flow in equal portions from the two tips (top and bottom) with an additional, softer energy flow from each of the 8 side edges.
Hold the Octahedron when meditating to reflect upon situations and issues that need forgiveness and closure. Allow any feelings that may come up, acknowledging each one, understanding that it is a reflection to self in some way. When this session is completed, bring the Octahedron to your heart to begin the healing process. Visualize these feelings and emotions moving into the Octahedron and being held there. You can then either blow gently on one end to release these energies out into the Universe or cleanse the Octahedron by your preferred cleansing method. Holding an Octahedron in one hand (or both) in a healing session will allow the Heart to open and be cleansed of any and all energies that are not in line with the highest good of the client, in the gentlest of ways.The self-reflecting shape of the Octahedron moves us from the more physical, grounding shape of the Cube and Tetrahedron (which sit firmly, grounding us to the physical) into a higher vibration of reflection, compassion and healing. Through working with the Octahedron, we attune to the more spiritual nature of self and in effect begin to understand our true nature.


Petrified Wood

Petrified Wood is a good stone for strength in all areas of our lives and grounding.  It is a “Stone of Transformation” helping bring us to a higher aspect of the self.  It can help, during meditation, to access information from past lives.  It can help provide support during times of crisis or dis-ease.  

Friday 6 September 2019

Libyan Gold Tektite

Libyan Gold Tektite 

The ‘Stone of the Soul’ takes its keeper on a journey of truth and wisdom, with a goal of positive growth and enlightenment.
Libyan Gold Tektite is a teacher of truth and sincerity. A stone that is infused with wisdom; will ensure nothing of any importance goes amiss or remains hidden.
Libyan Gold Tektite encourages the being to explore outer surroundings, in the hope of finding what has been brought into life by own thought, feeling and action. This then leads to the opportunity of positive change.

Monday 12 October 2015

Charoite Sphere

Charoite Sphere 

Weighs 189.2 grams


The 'Stone of the Dragon', helps in the opening of the inner senses to their highest potential.

Charoite can give its keeper journeys to remember, this stone helps awaken inner senses with purity and clarity. Charoite also helps to remove blockage and stagnancy from the bodies whole energy flow.

This stone encourages actual time travel of the spirit, taking one into deep astral travel, giving visions and insight to forgotten teachings, forgotten followings and forgotten lands.

Charoite will take one into the past or into the future, this stone works with spirit guides in order to keep control and stability in such journeys.

A very beneficial stone to use in Dream Mastery. Charoite brings one to all doors of the Dream World and helps in stepping through and crossing over into the deepest of Dream states, giving the opportunity to the gaining of the purest of Dream Wisdom.

Charoite is a stone that will work well in positive spell work, magic and wishes. The energies of Charoite will bond instantly with many true to heart wizards and witches. Charoite is a powerful creation that holds the flames from the Dragons self.

A stone that resonates well within all of the bodies energy centres, giving a spark to each, but especially within the Third eye and Crown energy centres. This makes Charoite a good stones for those who are opening to higher awareness and those who wish to put the channeler self out into the world with courage and clarity.

Charoite is a perfect stone to be used where the imagination clearly needs deep stimulation, as well as helping one to face daily life with flames of passion, idea and wisdom. Alongside this, Charoite is a stone that helps one to be more uplifted and positive natured.

"Allowing the energies into oneself is allowing the flames of the Dragon to grow strong"

Thursday 23 July 2015

A conversation with Keith Birch, owner of KSC Crystals. Written by Sarah Hendry.

All Matters Crystalline

The day is calm, with a gentle breeze stirring the awakening summer energies. The enlivening atmosphere prompting the multitude of questions I have for Keith Birch, owner of KSC Crystals. 
Today we are discussing all matters of crystal healing, presenting the opportunity for insight into the success of a flourishing ethical business and the mind of a fair trader. 
It is apparent from a multitude of testimonies and rewarding feedback on the KSC website that a current of kindness runs through the sales of Keith's business. Being in the healing industry must carry an integral sense of responsibility and consideration, I imagine. One that is obviously being held in esteem in this case. 
I mention my observation and Keith tells me the importance of all this feedback. After all, the quality of KSC Crystals resides in positive influence, which affects both the cycle of trade and the crystal healers of the world. In reference to Keith's maintained kind approach, I ask my first question; is this your main ethical consideration in your business? Simply put and sincerely, Keith responds, " to help people" and "bring knowledge to others." Here stated are two instructions for the authentic crystal healing path. Through the desire to help others by providing guidance and assistance we generate energy of kindness and positivity. Secondly, the act of encouraging others to learn the art of self healing, through sharing of knowledge, increases the amount of people who awaken to the amazing healing range of the human body and spirit.
How do you maintain this fair trade stance? I ask. "Coming from the heart everybody gets a fair deal," Keith responds. Adding that "intuition, a sense of discernment and some self-preservation," are essential. Acting from a place of internal assurance creates trust between his stockists and an ability to look after himself and others as a result. Interestingly, Keith's insight sees that each crystal has a unique character of its own. This character presents as a relatable feature to us, with our methods of perception, sensing their individual vibrational pattern. He develops his ability to "listen to the crystal," to guide each one to their appropriate place to heal. 
Having established the importance and authentic healing methods Keith practices, I am interested to know what he believes to be the true value of crystals. Not surprisingly, his answer attends to the higher calling to repair the healing framework in society. The framework particularly in the West which takes the stance to deal with health matters as "a sledgehammer to deal with a walnut", in his opinion. As a reiki and crystal healer, Keith has noted that in times of physical and mental distress there comes "a trigger" which causes people to look to alternative healing methods which allow people to heal themselves. From his own experience and encounters with healing others, Keith advocates crystal use as a "gentle' and "well-being " alternative. In practice, "you realise the more you learn, the more there is to learn," he comments. The energetic signatures of crystals present the means for energy transference and balancing, allowing for chakra alignments to occur. The "voice" of the crystal acting as a personalised "tuning fork" for the needs at hand.  It's time to outgrow the cycle of 'pain and cure' established in the west; leaving room to turn inward to replenish our energetic capacity for healing. Allowing our cells to work with our consciousness and bring recognition to the regenerating radiance of the body.
When I ask Keith if he has any examples of healing to share, he established the personal nature of working on the self in this way. Direct work with crystals "alleviated" many issues, having the effect to "lighten things up", in his experience. In the case of working with malachite, he noted good relief from specific pain. Considering the personal achievements that occur from working with crystals, I begin to wonder about the capacity for wider influence and impact in society. What impact do you estimate crystals have on our world? "Well, I think they are becoming more accepted in the modern day world...The beginning of a new era," Keith replies. 
For those aware of the conscious shifts of humanity, furthering the access to realms of awareness and cosmic understanding, many believe crystal energies have offered an integral planetary role in assisting our movement. In the knowledge that crystals have been around for the duration of our Earth incarnations, we can trace insight to past cultures and illuminate traditions of which are rich in insight and existential understanding. Keith mentions Atlantis; a myth to some and an example to others. An example of demonstrating respect and compassion for the elements in our environment which help us gain knowledge and grow. In present times, with continued integration of crystalline energy in the mainstream of society, we can have faith in more respect for each other, look after each other and alleviate modern day issues, Keith believes. If this positive step continues to occur across the globe, we can expect significant and long term impact When viewed like this, such simplicity as connecting with nature in this potent way, provides much inspiration and beauty to deepen the understanding of our existence.
Our next consideration is about hope. I ask, what Keith hopes to see crystal healing achieve in the world. His reply has a tone of honesty,  filtered with relief at his answers. "Tranquility, acceptance, contentment and well being. Lightworkers coming together..Being. Respect for each other. Expanding human ethos one thousand fold, bringing more appreciation to the world." Embracing this, I consider whether certain crystals could be applied to specific world situations. Keith maintains that sufficient positive thoughts from enough people is a good way to help ease global tensions. Creating crystal grids has the power to direct attention to the appropriate area and assist us in our altruism. Keith elaborated on a curious inspiration which he followed through to completion; an idea to construct a powerful energy grid with the intention to bring more light to the world. I was lucky enough to see some of the grids effect from where I sat. As I listened, I saw gradual changes to the light in the air around me, which I can liken to turning up the brightness on a screen. The essence of this light was intangibly different to the sunlight I am used to recognising. It wasn't sun-like beams of light from a source, rather a gentle brightness in the space in front of me.  It was mystifying to see this light manifesting, emitting a quality of exuberance as part of witnessing it. Such ability to direct light is one of the qualities possible with crystal practice and represents some of the talents that must be remembered to heal our world.
Finally, I ask, do you have any affirmations or requests for crystal healing on the world? To my surprise, Keith draws my attention to the present moment and says that he hopes our conversation is a catalyst for future positive changes, intending for a group of people to be reached from the ripple effect of good. In his expression it is apparent that a beacon of compassion has been lit, which I hope to see wave across the world in his continued endeavors and all involved in this process. 
With special thanks to Keith Birch for his words of wisdom and credit to his integrity in true values. With gratefulness to the healers, readers and light-minded beings of the world who continue to brighten our days. 


Friday 24 October 2014

Judy Hall crystal workshop, May 2015

I have just had a long talk with Judy Hall the author of the Crystal Bible, amongst several other books on crystal healing. Some of may remember that Judy came up to Manchester and ran various workshops with me in 2012.

We are looking at the possibility of running another workshop in the spring of 2015, and would like to see how many people would be interested in attending.

This is the very early stage of planning, however the event would be a one-day workshop held in South Manchester.

Judy has suggested that the topic could be around Shamanic Crystals or the Effects of Geopathic and Electromagnetic Stress.

We are both very interested to see if there are any areas of crystal healing that you would like to cover?

If you would like me to keep you up to date with any further information, please sen me a email and let me know your preference on the topic.


Monday 18 August 2014

A new tool to find the crystals

A new tool to find the crystals that you are looking for. Just click on the custom search and type in the crystal that you are looking for and it will list all the items that I have on offer. Hope that helps, :- Custom Search

Monday 19 May 2014

Fire Agate Puff Hearts

Crystal healing qualities :-
Fire Agate Fire has a feel of passion and excitement to it. It gives a sense of new beginnings, a little treasure !

Read mere here :- 
Fire Agate Puff Hearts

Wednesday 30 April 2014



The ‘Stone of Divine Voice’, holding universal and dutiful energies which bring shift and movement in all that is needed to further life’s journeys. 
Mohawkites energies are intense and may seem surreal to many. This is a stone which brings wide recognition of what needs to be improved and worked upon to gain positive result.
To see the full collection and read more please follow this link :-

Friday 25 April 2014


Do you have Psilomelane in your collection?

Crystals for healing
The 'Stone of Luck', this wonderful chirpy stone will help to do exactly as in the name, attract Luck! But only that which is of positive. 
Psilomelane helps bring positive things in life, but ensures what is brought forward is for the highest good of all. This stone is also wonderful for bringing out the chirpy side to ones nature.

Check them out here :-

Saturday 12 April 2014

Green Tremolite

Green Tremolite

In crystal healing Green Tremolite has some very strong metaphysical properties with such a powerful character that is so gripping that it is hard to put it down, it is captivating, however Green Tremolite generates and creates such profound awareness of peace and synchronization that you have no yearning to do so.
I only have a very limited number of these, you will need to be quick if you want one !!! :-

Saturday 23 November 2013



Robert Simmons writes: This is a stone of profound healing energy, working on multiple levels to restructure misaligned chakras, meridians, and systems in the organic and etheric bodies, bringing a great beneficial infusion of subtle matter-energy. 

Read more here :- http://www.ksccrystals.com/healerite-842-c.asp

Thursday 21 November 2013


The ‘Stone of True Calling’, removes the Earthly placed shroud to bring forth inner visions of ones true calling in the journey of the life.
see the new collection here :-

Saturday 31 August 2013

Crystal Bible 3

Crystal Bible 3 by Judy Hall

I have just received my copy of this new book, I am looking forward to sourcing the crystals in it for you to enjoy.

You can buy your own copy from Amazon by following this link :-

Friday 19 July 2013


|Pollucite  Healing crystals | 

Pollucite is a very RARE member of the Zeolite group of minerals. It has an isometric crystal system and a hardness of 6.5. Pollucite is the cesium analogue of Analcime. It is named after Pollux, brother of Castor from Greek mythology, for its common association with 'castorite' (Petalite). 

Saturday 29 June 2013

Turritella Agate Pendants

Turritella Agate Pendants

Turritella Agate is a spiritual crystal, deeply connected to the earth and home, to one's personal roots and ancestry, even the events of one's past. It is a survival stone, one of strength and protection. Ancient life held within its form lends the power of wisdom and healing.
Turitella Agate is a form of Chalcedony, a mineral of the Quartz family. It is rich, earthy brown or black, and recognized by the sea creature and fossilized snail patterns within the stone, or in a thick coating around it.
The name Agate comes from the Achetes River in Sicily, where Agates were first found. Usually banded in layers, or stripes, some varieties have "eye" markings, or specks of color, some have fossilized inclusions, and others are solid. Called the earth rainbow, the concentric bands of Agate form in nearly every color the earth can produce, including a colorless form.
Agate stabilizes the aura, eliminating and transforming negative energies. Its cleansing effect is powerful at all levels. Turitella Agate stimulates the Root Chakra.