KSC Crystals

KSC Crystals
When only the best crystals will do.
Showing posts with label crystals for healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crystals for healing. Show all posts

Thursday 28 January 2021

Yellow Danburite

                                        Yellow Danburite 

Yellow Danburite is a very spiritual stone that carries a pure vibration. It is excellent for relief of stress and worry. Hold a Danburite in each hand for a calming effect and to prepare for deep meditation, Yellow Danburite has a high vibration that is uplifting and has the ability to connect you with angels and the universal mind. It has been reported that Yellow Danburite is an excellent ally for lucid dreaming, where you are aware of what is happening. 

Lots of other crystals to be found on the website :-

Friday 14 February 2020

Red Fire Hematoid Quartz

Red Fire Hematoid Quartz contains both the amplification properties of Quartz with the balance and stability of Hematite.

The combination of Quartz and Hematite balances the body, mind and spirit. It brings a unique clarity and understanding to the emotions, helping to understand the difference between an unconscious reaction and a conscious response. Hematoid Quartz also assists when self worth and self esteem are lacking.

To see the full collection please follow this link :- Red Fire Hematoid Quartz

Friday 7 February 2020

Titanium Flame Aura

Titanium Aura The 'Stone of Astral Journey’ helps to guide during astral travel, whilst bringing support and grounding before and after each journey. Titanium Aura is committed to be a guide to the Astral body, to keep all journeys of Astral travel safe and free of corruption. It is a stone that brings the incapable to capable, to bring the impossible to possible. This is a stone that stimulates the mind, body and spirit to better and strengthen in all areas, in any capability level. It teaches that capabilities of the physical being is just a mirage, dreams can be awakened, journeys can be completed. To see the full collection and read more please follow this link :-
Titanium Aura

Friday 11 October 2019

Lemon Quartz

Lemon Quartz

The 'Stone of New Worlds', this stone works very well during meditation and for insight seeking dreams. Lemon Quartz helps take one deep into meditation and onto new realms, where higher knowledge can be sought.



Dianite is particularly supportive to those of us who feel hurried, anxious, stressed or simply overwhelmed. It is an uplifting stone and can help us to remain cool and calm, especially in stressful situations.

Monday 23 September 2019

Petrified Wood

Petrified Wood

Petrified Wood is a good stone for strength in all areas of our lives and grounding.  It is a “Stone of Transformation” helping bring us to a higher aspect of the self.
Just click on the picture to see the full collection.

Fluorite Octahedron

Fluorite Octahedron

The Octahedron represents the element of Air and is linked to the Heart Chakra, which is the centre for love and compassion.
Just click on the picture to see the full collection.



Menalite encourages learning and developing for the growth of the mind, body and soul. A stone that brings great support and guidance universally to all throughout the journey of life.

Just click on the picture to see the full collection.



Dravite The ‘Scholars Stone’, encourages the ultimate use of intelligence! Stimulates the brain to interpret, focus on, and store learnings and information.

Just click on the picture to see the full collection.

Saturday 14 September 2019



Bornite compliments an understanding that there is nothing wrong in any aspect of one's incarnation.

Just click on the picture to see the full collection.



Saussurite helps to make it easier to take your next step in your personal development. It’s a crystal to help with keeping anxiety at bay, and maintaining a calm demeanour.
Just click on the picture to see the collection.

Net Jasper (AKA Spider Web Jasper)

Net Jasper (AKA Spider Web Jasper)

Net Jasper is said to help remind us to applaud life. It is also believed to promote the development of creativity and to bring strength and self-discipline.

Just click on the picture to see the collection.

Blue Apatite

Blue Apatite

Apatite helps creativity, ease apathy, sorrow, and anger, allowing us to focus on more joyful times.
Just click on the picture to see the collection.

Thursday 12 September 2019

Apple Green Fluorite

Apple Green Fluorite Octahedron

Apple Green Fluorite 
Focuses the mind, brings order out of chaos, stress - allows the mind to work effectively in stressful situations, decisions, concentration. Helps with the  tiring affects of computer screens.
The Octahedron represents the element of Air and is linked to the Heart Chakra, which is the centre for love and compassion. This centre includes the healing and nurturing aspects within, which allow that sacred, safe space in which to find acceptance and forgiveness.
The Octahedron shape is also a mirror, a perfect reflection of itself, which is a lovely reminder of the mirrors/reflections that we are to each other. The Heart Chakra is also linked to touch, which is why this Platonic Solid would be best utilized for healing, manifestation, and energy work.
Due to the Octahedrons shape and nature, it would energetically work similar to a Double Terminated point. Energy will flow in equal portions from the two tips (top and bottom) with an additional, softer energy flow from each of the 8 side edges.
Hold the Octahedron when meditating to reflect upon situations and issues that need forgiveness and closure. Allow any feelings that may come up, acknowledging each one, understanding that it is a reflection to self in some way. When this session is completed, bring the Octahedron to your heart to begin the healing process. Visualize these feelings and emotions moving into the Octahedron and being held there. You can then either blow gently on one end to release these energies out into the Universe or cleanse the Octahedron by your preferred cleansing method. Holding an Octahedron in one hand (or both) in a healing session will allow the Heart to open and be cleansed of any and all energies that are not in line with the highest good of the client, in the gentlest of ways.The self-reflecting shape of the Octahedron moves us from the more physical, grounding shape of the Cube and Tetrahedron (which sit firmly, grounding us to the physical) into a higher vibration of reflection, compassion and healing. Through working with the Octahedron, we attune to the more spiritual nature of self and in effect begin to understand our true nature.


Petrified Wood

Petrified Wood is a good stone for strength in all areas of our lives and grounding.  It is a “Stone of Transformation” helping bring us to a higher aspect of the self.  It can help, during meditation, to access information from past lives.  It can help provide support during times of crisis or dis-ease.  

Wednesday 11 September 2019



Pinolith is a comforting stone that helps diminish feelings of loneliness, stress and anxiety. It is also suggested that it will help with restlessness and sleep disorders.

Friday 6 September 2019

Libyan Gold Tektite

Libyan Gold Tektite 

The ‘Stone of the Soul’ takes its keeper on a journey of truth and wisdom, with a goal of positive growth and enlightenment.
Libyan Gold Tektite is a teacher of truth and sincerity. A stone that is infused with wisdom; will ensure nothing of any importance goes amiss or remains hidden.
Libyan Gold Tektite encourages the being to explore outer surroundings, in the hope of finding what has been brought into life by own thought, feeling and action. This then leads to the opportunity of positive change.

Monday 26 October 2015

Coromandel Stonewood™

Coromandel Stonewood™ is rich brown Petrified Wood from New Zealand.  It carries deep memories of the ancient Earth.  This stone was present during the times of Lemuria and it emanates the Lemurian qualities of deep intuition empathy and bodily knowing.    
I holds within itself the very heartbeat of the Earth and it can bring one into ecstatic resonance with its rhythm.

Robert Simmons suggests that it harmonizes especially well with the Revelation Stone. Other high vibration stones that harmonize with Coromandel Stonewood include Sauralite Azeztulite, Cinnazez Empowerite and Sanda Rosa Azezyulite. 
Please follow this link to see them on the website :-

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Brandenberg Amethyst

Brandenberg Amethyst

Brandenberg Quartz is an amazing mixture of stones (Amethyst, Citrine, Smokey Quartz, Clear Quartz & Cacoxanite,) 

This beautiful and very special quartz is from The Brandenburg Mountain range located in Namibia, Africa.  Brandenberg Quartz is only available from this sacred site and adds to the characteristics of the Brandenberg’s amazingly high energetic properties.

Brandenberg Quartz is a crystal of spiritual and physical transformation.  The crystal helps you to connect yourself to the Source, it assists you to bringing that energy through into the physical world.  Brandenberg’s act like a cosmic anchorperson, and when travelling on shamanic Journey’s they will provide you with a deep core of energy, linking you steadfastly to the earth, ensuring that no matter what vibrational ladders you climb you will always be able to find your way home.  Brandenberg’s are principally good at providing you with an object view point and the ability to retain information when travelling in realms where you may not always retain conscious awareness, such as dreaming.  The vibration of the Brandenberg Quartz provokes brainwave patterns that enhance mediation and regression to past lives.  
Please follow this link to see the full collection :-

Thursday 28 May 2015



 The 'Waters Stone', beneficial in the cleansing of the mind, body and spirit. Cleanses away impurities, toxin and helps to treat disease; a stone for the healing practitioner, to join as guidance and support.

Peridot is that of fresh water, it is pure and brings purity and sparkle to all that it joins with. It is a tonic that can be used when the being has become been run-down, either from stress or sickness, and can help in a detox process.

Also, Peridot brings peace, tranquillity and a greater connection with Mother Earth and her goodness. Bringing a realisation of how much the being takes this goodness for granted, therefore creating an understanding, a respect and a finally a conjoining of Spirit.